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(Making private Conversations Public)



This is true. I know better.I lay no claims to being more knowledgeable than anyone, but I do confess that I know better than I did yesterday, last year and a decade ago.You see, there is this conversation that we all have with ourselves, within ourselves and most times I just listen.


There's my mind: sharp, witty, caustic, 100% Realist. No nonsense. A ferocious reader; likes to acquire knowledge, highly opinionated. And there's my Soul: Soft, kind, maternal, nurturing, forgiving, lover, deep thinker, empathic and just wants to love and heal the world.And there's my body: which is where I come in. This vessel, experiencing life. The voice of the mind and soul. Likes beautiful things. Does not like driving, does not like traffic, absolutely detests saliva, sweat and yucky bodily fluids, loves laughing, exotic food and pretty much is concerned with the more mundane things of life.


She is the everlasting referee between the caustic mind and the sensitive soul.This is Isio.Isio Knows better is an attempt to capture the shocking and highly entertaining conversation within myself. Now I must say that these conversations happen in various languages, in any situation and underneath a poker face and a hidden smile.




- Isio De-laVega


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